Kimberly Hocking, M.A.
Art Spiritual Director
What is Spiritual Direction?
My practice as an Art Spiritual Director focuses on the belief that life is a journey. Each of us is on a path to find that which is true for our lives. That path which is only ours to take. I believe that art has the ability to transform the struggles we face by finding beauty in the most unlikely places. As your Art Spiritual Director I will endeavor to assist you in discovering the creative landscape of your own life. Through this work you can better choose to enter a sacred space and experience your life as an inspired journey where the everyday becomes wondrous.
​About Kimberly
Kimberly Hocking is an artist with an M.A. from Loyola Marymount University. She lives and works in Signal Hill, CA. Her art-making practice is centered in the process of contemplation and includes multiple art forms with a focus in photography, sculpture, and installation. Her current work has been inspired by her Art Residency in New Delhi India last November, as well as her visits to a local monastery. In her most recent installation art exhibit "Pratipadyate" which is Sanskrit for "one who paths", Kimberly brought into being a full scale sculpture that evokes the image of a tender warrior, standing silently with love and peace in a serene surrounding, This being existed in a cathedral forest with multiple paths created by Kimberly and three other artists. Kimberly also runs a community art gallery “Greenly Art Space” with her artist husband David. Her family teaches her daily about the simple wonders in everyday life.
Why is Kimberly a Contemplative Artist?
"The exploration of life as a journey and art as a contemplative act have been ongoing theme’s in my artistic work over the years. I enjoy playing with light, movement, and composition in photographs to help everyday scenes take on the ethereal space between reality and imagination. My installation work is created through collecting from my environment, and then finding the sacred in the discarded, "trash", or remains of an object. I have experienced many forms of suffering throughout my life and have maintained an ongoing spiritual practice of transforming my pain into objects or spaces of inspiration. The death of my brother inspired much art including a closet-room with lights, seeds, and reflective surfaces. Creating rituals of remembrance for myself and others helped to bring a sense of meaning and transformation to this difficult experience.”
Why Choose Kimberly?
“As an Art Spiritual Director I want to share with others a practice that is transformational. I have an intuitive sense about where people are emotionally and spiritually. I am able to listen with compassion due to the suffering I have experienced on my own journey. My current journey has taken me through depression as well as intense physical suffering of chronic pain and illness, to a place of contentment with the small joys of everyday life. I understand that people go through suffering and I believe that art can transform the darkness into light. I want to guide the way along the path for each individual seeker, helping them to find their own way to peace.”
What is Art Transformation?
It can be any of the follwoing

Seeking Spiritual and Personal Growth
Individual Art Spiritual Direction can lead you to more clarity about your life's purpose and your life's calling. Experience peace along the path of your own spiritual journey.
Spending Time in Art Meditaton
Time taken to utilize art as a tool for meditation. Can either be done through Skype or in a led meditation time in Greenly Art Space's gallery. This meditation can help bring peace and creativity into your life and assist with understanding your deeper life purpose.

Creating Remembrance Rituals
Create your own rituals of remembrance to celebrate the life of a loved one who has passed away. A variety of art methods can be utilized and explored to create your own rituals of remembrance.

Awakening your creativity
Explore your creative side or reawaken creativity long dormant. Work with experienced artist and spiritual seeker to explore a variety of media. No experience necessary.

Art Spiritual Direction can lead you to more clarity about your life's purpose and your life's calling. Experience peace along the path of your own spiritual journey. Here is where you take the first step.
Kimberlyhockingart@gmail.com (562) 533-4020
2698 Junipero Ave. #113, Signal Hill, CA 90755